The laws govern society and regulate operations. There are laws that govern business operations, property purchases and sales, and individual interactions. These laws are enforced by the law, and legal workers help individuals, businesses, governments, and other entities interpret them. They also assist in aligning themselves with the legal system.

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Some legal professions only require an associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree. Others require an advanced degree. What can you do with a master’s degree in legal studies? A master’s degree in legal studies can help you achieve your career goals. BLS data on unemployment and earnings by educational attainment show that the median annual income of those with a bachelor’s degree and those with a master’s was more than $12,000. An online master’s degree in legal studies could open up many legal jobs and opportunities to advance your career. This guide will explore some career options.
- Conciliator
- Human Resources Managers
- Law Librarian
- Chief Executive
- Medical and Health Services Manager
- Climate Change Policy Analyst
- Compliance Officer
- Court Reporter
- Probation Officer
- Private Detectives & Investigator
- Employee Relations Specialist
- Sales Manager
- Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Teacher
- Fraud Investigators, Examiners and Analysts
- Real Estate Broker
- Legislator
- Collector or Tax Examiner
- Conciliator
In that they help opposing parties reach a mutually agreeable agreement, conciliators are similar mediators. Conciliators, however, meet with each side separately and make recommendations. Mediators work with both sides. The clients must agree to follow the recommendations before a conciliator can meet with them. A bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement for these jobs, but some positions will require a master’s or law degree. A master’s degree in legal studies may make you eligible for conciliator jobs, one of many legal studies careers you can explore. According to the BLS in 2020, the median income for conciliators was $66,130. Conciliator jobs are expected to increase 10% between 2020 and 2030, along with mediator and arbitrator jobs.
Managers of Human Resources
You might consider a career as a human resources manager, which is one of the possible master’s degrees in legal studies. Companies and businesses must adhere to all laws that govern how they operate and treat employees. Human resources managers plan and manage an organization’s administrative functions. They manage an organization’s workforce and consult with managers about human resource issues such as sexual harassment or equal employment opportunity. Human resources manager positions usually only require a bachelor’s degree. However, some positions require a master’s degree. A master’s degree in legal studies might be worth it if you are interested in the legal aspects of human resources. Students can learn more about the regulations that affect recruitment, hiring, and promotion in employment law and HR concentrations. The BLS reported that the median salary for human resources managers was $121,220 in 2020. These HR manager positions are expected to grow by 9% between 2020-2030, which is faster than all other occupations.
Law Librarian
Legal librarians assist people in finding the right information to do their research. They do legal research and assist lawyers, judges, clerks and lawyers in finding and analyzing legal resources. They may work in law schools libraries or law firms. As you begin your legal career, you may also consider becoming a law librarian. Many library jobs require more than a bachelor’s. A specialized degree, or MLS, may be helpful to you in gaining the legal knowledge to help professionals who require legal information. According to the BLS in 2020 , the median annual salary for librarians was $60,820. The highest 10% earned more than $97,000. The employment of librarians and library media specialist is expected to increase 9% over the next decade. This will create an additional 13,000 job opportunities.
Chief Executive
Chief executives develop strategies and policies that help organizations reach their goals and manage activities related with providing services and making products. They may be involved in the negotiation of contracts, the appointment of managers and department heads, and determining how to improve programs or performance. A mix of education, experience in the industry, and knowledge of law and government may be required to become a chief executive. Depending on your industry, a particular aspect of the law system such as executive orders or legal codes may be more important to you than others. The course content in an MLS program may help you understand it. The majority of chief executives hold a graduate degree according to O*NET OnLine (an online occupational database sponsored and maintained by the U.S. Department of Labor). For legal studies graduates, the earning potential and outlook for employment are different. According to BLS data, the median annual salary for chief executives was $185950 in May 2020. Despite the high salaries, chief executives are expected to be less employed than average over the next decade. This is due to technological improvements and changes in organizational structures.
Medical and Health Services Manager
Are you still wondering “What are the possibilities with a master’s degree in legal studies?” Perhaps you want to apply your legal knowledge to the health care industry. Health care managers, also known as health care administrators and health care executives, plan, direct and coordinate medical and other services. These managers may work in hospitals, doctors’ offices and outpatient facilities. A MLS degree is helpful, especially if you have a focus on health care compliance or law in health care. Medical and Health Services managers need to be able to adapt to regulations and health care laws. The median salary for medical and healthcare services managers was $104,280 as of May 2020, according to the BLS. The expected growth in medical and health service manager jobs is 32% between 2020- 2030. This is four times faster that the average job growth rate across all occupations.
Climate Change Policy Analyst
The climate change policy analysts work to protect the environment by researching and analysing climate change policies. They can help to raise awareness and contribute to legislation regarding environmental protection. If you are interested in pursuing a master’s degree in legal studies, a graduate degree such as the MLS may be useful. Some climate policy analyst positions require higher degrees such as a Ph.D. or M.D. According to the BLS professionals in the field of environmental science earn an average annual salary $73,230. The highest 10% of these workers made more than $129,000. The BLS predicts that employment in environmental specialists and scientists will increase by 8% over the next ten years.
Compliance Officer
Compliance officers assess whether an individual or company is adhering to the laws and regulations set out in contracts, such as permits or licenses. They might be responsible for notifying violators and reporting them to another entity (e.g. a board) if they are in violation. This is a potential job for law students, but it does not always require an MLS. An undergraduate degree is generally accepted. However, an MLS can help you advance your career.
Court Reporter
Court reporters are responsible for documenting everything said during trials, depositions and other legal proceedings–word-for-word. To become a court reporter, you will need to have an associate’s degree. An MLS may be a better option. The MLS gives you both a general and specialized understanding of the U.S. legal systems, which will allow you to better understand your work and pursue legal positions that are related. According to the BLS, the median annual wage for court reporters was $61,660 in 2020. The BLS projects that court reporter jobs will grow by 3% by 2030. Those looking for these positions might be assigned to caption outside of legal proceedings.
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