When you need a child custody lawyer in Fulton County, GA or anywhere in the greater Atlanta area, you can count on the experienced professionals at the Law Offices of Todd Orston. We understand all of the intricacies of child custody law, and we know that each case is unique. When you retain our services, you can rest assured that you are going to get capable and compassionate representation. Call us today for more information. It’s hard for everyone involved when you are going through a divorce, and that’s most especially true for the children.

When you are facing a child custody battle, you want to rely on legal representation that can get you and your children through the process with as little stress as possible. At the Law Offices of Todd Orston we’ll be your strong advocates, and we will fight for you every step of the way to ensure that you and your children can have a happy future together. Representing clients in custody disputes is one of our specialties, and we approach every case knowing that no two are alike. We will consult with you in-depth about your situation, and we will build a case around the facts. We will determine if we can possibly find a resolution through mediation, but if a trial is necessary, we have the experience to take it all the way.
Our goal is to help prove before a judge that it will be in your children’s best interest to live with you as the primary caretaker. If you are not the primary caretaker for your children but want to fight for established visitation rights, we can help you there as well. Call us today to schedule a free initial consultation so we can discuss your case. When you want a child custody lawyer in Fulton County, GA and the Atlanta area that you can trust to give you the best possible representation, the Law Offices of Todd Orston is the right choice. When we take your case, you can count on the fact that you will have knowledgeable and capable legal help on your side. We will fight hard for you and your children’s rights. Call us today.
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